Why Do People Love Beach Holidays?
When people talk about holidays, it is natural that many people will instinctively think of a beach holiday. This seems to be the default setting for many people when it comes to enjoying a break and as long as they have the chance to enjoy a beach for a good proportion of their holiday, they will be happy.
Whether it is kids building sand castles or adults playing games or just lying back and reading a book, a beach holiday is an integral component of a good break for the vast majority of people who enjoy getting away from it all.
A beach break has long been a British tradition, and long before people were going abroad for holidays, the UK beach break was the perfect getaway. Back in those days, B&Bs would be packed solid for the entire summer and you would have to get up pretty early in the morning to ensure you found a decent space on the beach.
Families would spend the entire day on the beach and if you were prone to a long lie, you may find that you didn’t get a good spot. With many people going on a week’s holiday, a good few days would be spent on the beach, which meant that there wasn’t much call for other attractions to keep people occupied.
The nature of beach holidays has remained similar even if locations have changed
Of course, times have changed and holidaymakers are a lot more mature in what they are looking for from a holiday. With more and more people jetting out to foreign climes, the traditional UK beach holiday isn’t as popular as it used to be, but there is still a great deal of interest in foreign beach holidays.
In some ways, this is understandable. While many beach resorts in the UK could be relied upon for offering mainly good weather, there was no cast iron guarantee. Depending on your luck, you may have booked a week’s holiday for a beach resort only to find that the weather conspired against you.
Plenty of people still made their way along the beach promenade but it was a miserable existence. When foreign travel became much more affordable, it is easy to see why people went abroad for a beach holiday. Knowing that there is a very strong chance of the weather being fantastic is a great reason to go abroad to book a beach holiday.

The consistency of weather in a foreign beach holiday is important
The consistency of weather also meant that people could be confident in finding the beach holiday that they were looking for. You may think that a beach holiday is a beach holiday, but there are many different types of beach holidays to choose from.
There are some resorts where the beach is a quiet place, ideal for relaxing. This is not the sort of beach that is suitable for children and if you are looking to play games to pass the time while you are at the beach, this is not the resort you should be looking for.
These beach holidays are associated with luxury holidays where couples go away to relax and enjoy the finer things in life. This is not the sort of beach holiday where you expect kids to be making sandcastles and engaging in water fights as they dart around people lazing around on the beach.
There are plenty of beach resorts and holidays that do cater for this style of holidaymaker though, and if this is the sort of holiday that appeals to you, you are in luck. If you are travelling with the family and you want to keep them entertained or amused, letting them run wild on a beach is a fantastic way of doing so. Even if you don’t want to get involved with them, you can lie back knowing that there are plenty of games for kids to get involved and to keep themselves amused for a good length of time.
Parents may have to fend off endless requests for ice creams and drinks, but a day at the beach can be a lot more affordable that other types of holidays. Theme parks and holidays where you tour different resorts can be extremely expensive when you get there, so arranging this style of holiday often makes perfect sense for many parents.
Andrew Reilly is a freelance writer with a focus on news stories and consumer interest articles. He has been writing professionally for 9 years but has been writing for as long as he can care to remember. When Andrew isn't sat behind a laptop or researching a story, he will be found watching a gig or a game of football.
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